MEMORIAL UMC, Thomasville, NC is seeking an exceptional candidate for the role of Executive Secretary to work effectively as part of a team.
Ideal candidate has excellent administrative, organizational, technology, and people skills and demonstrated experience. Minimum qualifications include some college education beyond high school, three-five years of office experience that includes utilization of technology, efficient and accurate project management, and effective communication.
Total compensation for the position is approximately $32,400, which includes salary and pension/health insurance contributions for an average of 35 hours per week. Applications for consideration must be directed to the MUMC Search Committee and received by February 20th.
Executive Secretary Job Description
Memorial UMC Employment Application
Please fill out and return to:
Memorial UMC
ATTN: Staff-Parish Relations Comm.
101 Randolph Street
Thomasville, NC 27360
DEADLINE: February 20
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I am very sorry, but this position is no longer available.