Stewardship is an act of worship and helps to support the ministries of Memorial United Methodist Church as we fulfill our call to GROW in faith, BUILD relationships, and SERVE all people. Giving to Memorial UMC, whether you give of your time, your talents, or your gifts or your presence, should be seen as a response to God’s love.
Part of faithful financial giving involves making a commitment to support the church throughout the year. Since the church budget relies on the generosity of our faith community to make offerings, donations and gifts to support our ministries, it is often helpful to have an idea of how much money the church can expect to use during a year. One way this is established is by having potential givers, like yourself, provide an “estimate” of how much can be given over the course of a year. We typically have a “Stewardship Campaign” in the late Fall to encourage people to fill out an “Estimate of Giving” Card and return it to the office. To find out more about this see below:
An “ESTIMATE OF GIVING” Card (also known as a “Pledge Card“) which can be found by contacting the church office (336) 472-7718 or by following the link found HERE. This can then be returned to the church by:
- Place it in the offering plate during Sunday morning worship.
- Take it to the church in person and give to our Office Administrator, Kristin Shores.
- Mail it to: Memorial UMC, Attn: Kristin Shores, P.O. Box 428, Thomasville, NC 27361
It is often helpful to keep track of your giving through the year. Although quarterly statements are provided to all who give to our church, from time to time you may want to have up to date access of this information (which Kristin Shores can provide, but an even more convenient way to do this is by creating an ONLINE PROFILE HERE. This profile is updated on a weekly basis and can be accessed by you at anytime. As an added benefit, any contact information found on this profile can be used to create correspondence between you and the church.
PLEASE NOTE: The financial information that you provide in this profile is handled by a safe and secure service (it will not be stored on the church servers) and only you and our church office administrator will be able to access this information. Not even the pastors have the authority to access this information. In addition, the contact information that is provided will be limited to staff use only.