DECEMBER 12, 2020
My favorite Christmas decorations are nativity scenes. Yes, I love Christmas trees, wreaths, and sparkling lights, but there is something special about nativity scenes. The word nativity is taken from the Latin word nativus which means “arisen by birth.” Saint Francis of Assisi created the very first nativity scene in a cave in Greece in 1223. Saint Francis’ idea caught on, and now it is almost impossible to go through the Christmas season without seeing a nativity scene. They come in many different forms, such as living scenes, tabletop sets, ornaments, and other various types of art.
Over the years, I have enjoyed having several different nativity sets from my childhood home to my home with Chad and Kelly. Perhaps my favorite is Kelly’s “Little People Toy Nativity Set.” I remember her being so excited when I gave it to her. She would rearrange and interact with all of the pieces as she played with it and told the story of Jesus’ birth. Maybe as adults we should be more like a child when we set up our nativity sets. This year let’s not rush through setting up the individual pieces, but rather think about Jesus’ humble birth, His ultimate sacrifice, and His gift of everlasting life to all who believe.
Merry Christmas!
Lynn Carrick
Click here to see the complete 2020 Advent Devotional booklet.