You may want to contact your TEAM LEADER for some of these details (who may have already contacted, and shared some of this info with you) but just to be in the safe side, here are a few things you may need to be aware of…
Some of you may be wondering what to bring (and what NOT to bring) with you for the trip. HERE IS A PACKING LIST that might be helpful!
For the most part your Team leader should have most of the tools and equipment that you will need. In addition, the ASP Center will have tools that we can borrow as well! HOWEVER, in case you are curious, here is the suggested TOOL LIST that that each team should have.
Saturday, June 29
8:45 AM – ADULTS need to be at church in order to go pick up vans
9:00 AM – YOUTH need to be at the church to help prepare the vans for the trip. We should be done by 11 AM, but may go as long as NOON – it depends on how smoothly things are going!
Sunday, June 30
7:00 AM – EVERYONE needs to be at the church to pack tools in the vans AND clothes and sleeping gear in the church trailer!
7:30 AM – ASP PARTICIPANTS, FAMILY & LOVED ONES are invited to pictures on the front steps, and a brief Commissioning Service in the Main Sanctuary. We should be done by 7:45 AM.
7:45 AM – We want to be getting in the vans and heading to Kentucky!
3:00 PM – We will encourage people to contact home when we arrive, but as you may know, results will vary!
Saturday, July 6
2:00 PM – EVERYONE is invited to come and help with Clean-up! We will need to unpack and vacuum out the vans. This may take 1 -2 hours, please understand we know that everyone will be ready for a good shower, nap, and a good meal, but we need everyone’s help for this step! The adults will return the vans by 5 PM.
REWARD TRIP – This date has not yet been set. Please know that we will try our best to work with as many people’s schedules as possible who have qualified for the trip!
Wednesday, August 7
5:30 PM – ALL PARTICIPANTS, FAMILY & STOCKHOLDERS are invited to our annual “STOCKHOLDER’S DINNER” it is free and there will be a video and participants will share about their experiences during the week. Please share this date and time with everyone who gave you money to go on the ASP trip!
We will be sending periodic updates for the trip via the app “REMIND”. You can download the app (for your smart phone) through your App store (There is an iPhone and Android version) BUT you DO NOT have to have the app to receive the text messages!!!
We ALSO encourage you to share the sign-up info below with people who may want to keep up with the trip:
THE REMIND “CLASS CODE” FOR ASP 2019 is “@eh7hg9” (no quotes)
You can add it to the App (if you have downloaded it) OR simply…
TEXT “@eh7hg9” (no quotes) to the number: 81010
Either way you will be signed up for the announcements for our trip!!!
You can also check out the Facebook, Instagram and other Social Media accounts of the people on the trip as well!!!