It’s getting to be that time of year! Spring is in the air, the trees are ready to bloom, the days are getting longer and warmer and that dreaded disease known as “Senior-itis” may be setting in hard and heavy!!! Hopefully, you are handling the last few months of High School with perseverance and focus. The reason for this letter is to let you know about some of the special events that Memorial United Methodist Church will be offering for its graduates this Spring.
First of all, be aware that the church sponsors two scholarships that you may be interested in pursuing.
FIRST, you can DOWNLOAD & PRINT OUT an application for the United Methodist Women’s Scholarship HERE. (Alternately, you can pick a hard copy up in the Church Office.)
SECOND, you can DOWNLOAD & PRINT OUT an application for the R. L. Pope Class Educational Scholarship HERE (Alternately, the Guidance Department at your student’s High School should have a hard copy on file).
We want to encourage you to apply for these scholarships!
12 PM
Please put the Graduate Recognition LUNCHEON on your calendar. It is scheduled for Sunday, June 2 at 12 PM (following the 11 AM worship service) in the Christian Enrichment Center. This is also sponsored by the Memorial United Methodist Women. Parents and siblings are invited to come and celebrate this milestone in their young adult’s life as well! Please RSPV for this luncheon to Cheryl Herman, Chairperson of our United Methodist Women
11 AM
This year’s Youth Sunday Worship Service will be Sunday, June 2 during the both the 8:50 AM & 11:00 AM worship service. Due to the large number of Graduates for this year, both services will have unique speakers We want to encourage all graduating seniors to attend these services. The graduates will be recognized at both services and will receive a gift from the church at the 11 AM service. Graduating seniors are asked to wear their graduation gowns (caps are optional) for these services.
Prior to the 8:50 AM service, please assemble in the Girl Scout Room. Prior to the 11 AM service, please assemble in the “Bride’s Room”. You will process in together, and introduce yourselves by sharing: your name, the school you are graduating from, and what your future plans are. After the Graduate Recognition (which will be at the beginning of the service) the graduates may sit wherever they choose for the remainder of the service (unless you are participating in the service, wherein you will go to the Choir Loft).
FINALLY, one of the special parts of this service is the slide show which includes pictures of the graduating seniors through the years. So, WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please look through all of those old pictures and dig up 10 – 12 pictures to include in the slide show. Please include at least one baby picture and one picture from this school year. The rest of the pictures may be your choice. All pictures will be returned. If your pictures are not already in digital form, please consider putting them on a disk, this will save us a step. Please give these pictures to me (Rodney) BEFORE May 12.