What Child Is This…Journey To Bethlehem

6 – 9 PM

Have you noticed? Bethlehem is beginning to come to life. Soon it will be complete and on December 8, 9 and 10 from 6 – 9 PM everyone is invited to experience the sights and sounds of Bethlehem and visit the baby Jesus in the stable.

Help us get the word out by reminding family and friends to come, drive thru, and take in all the wonders surrounding our Savior’s birth. There are extra posters, flyers, and small business cards in the Receptionist Office if you can share or post in your workplace or business, please feel free to take them.

Also, there is room for more Village people in the cast. This is a great way for entire families to participate together. You will enjoy the food, fellowship and most of all, the fun of being in the village and a part of this event. Call or email Tim Lyons and volunteer today! You may reach him at tlyons00@gmail.com or 336-476-1117.

May this be a Christmas Blessing to everyone.