This was presented to the congregation and we thought it might be helpful to have a printed copy to reference. We are also looking for 10 volunteers for August 17 for set-up and August 18th to help from 11-7. If you only have an hour or two it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Lorna at 336-259-5814 or email lcrossmac@triad.rr.com.
Nearly 35% of children between 5 and 17 live in poverty in Thomasville, NC according to a study of census estimates for five (5) years.
On behalf of the Community Partners of Thomasville NC, we are requesting monetary donations for the purchase of new clothing and school supplies for elementary school children for a back-to-school event.
The event is scheduled for Friday, August 18 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at 401 East Main Street in Thomasville. We anticipate serving over 158
The event is patterned after Pride for Parents, an empowerment program founded by the Atlanta-based Focused Community Strategies organization (fcsmi
Our participating partners are city council members, local law enforcement, area congregations and healthcare professionals. We hope to empower the disadvantaged in our community and to give parents the opportunity to select back-to-school supplies and clothing that they earn and are proud to provide their children.
We thank you for your generosity. Contributions should be made payable to Cooperative Community Ministry, PO Box 1841, Thomasville NC 27361, with a memo noting, “Community Partners”.
With God’s Peace,
Community Partners