Pam and Cran Plyler
John 11:28-44
I have always loved this story. I can close my eyes and see it unfold as if I were there. I can feel the grief that Mary and Martha felt of losing their brother and the agony of feeling that if Jesus had only arrived earlier, He could have saved their brother. My heart hurts when Mary was weeping and pleading with Jesus and Jesus began to cry. It comforts me to know that Jesus felt what we feel when we experience loss in our lives.
Jesus is then led to Lazarus’ tomb and tells the mourners to remove the stone covering the entrance. Jesus reveals his divinity by first giving thanks to His Father and then calling out to Lazarus. Imagine the astonishment of the people there when Lazarus walked out on his own. Imagine the joy Mary and Martha must have felt! How could anyone who witnessed this great miracle not believe that Jesus is the Son of God! What a wonderful revelation of Jesus’ humanity and divinity in one beautiful passage.
Prayer: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for miracles. Help us always believe that even when we think all is lost, you are with us and anything is possible with Christ as our Savior.
Thought for the Day: Believe in miracles.